Saturday 12 January 2008

Quite January... NO WAY!!!!

Canon 1Ds II, 24-70mm f2.8 lens

January for us is traditionally a quite month, a time to catch up on all those jobs that should have been completed in December but somehow just didn't get done. A time when we sit back and look at what we need to do to get ready for the coming year and a time for some personel photography projects. Not this year however, it's been go go go right from day one...Actually day two because we did manage to get new Years day off.

This morning I decided to take a bit of R & R and get up early and take the boat down to the river. Unfortunately when it came to getting out of bed early my enthusiasm for the project started to wain a little. Finally manage to convince myself that it really was what I wanted to do, rather than lay in bed wishing I was out there. The image above suffers from the old I didn't get up early enough syndrome. Fifteen minutes earlier and the light on the river bank would have been so much better, but this is what you get if you sleep in instead of getting out and about. Guess I'll try again soon, which of course means another early morning laying in bed trying to convince oneself that I have to get up now or I'll miss the light. Oh how I love shooting at the other end of the day.

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