Monday, 20 October 2008

The ever beautiful Stephanie

Canon 1Ds II f2.8 70-200 IS USM @ 100mm, 2 light studio set up.

The outback photography crew recently had the good fortune of shooting with the young and very lovely Stephanie. This studio portrait image is not however one of those images. Mildura photography studio, Excitations is currently preparing a set of promotional photos for glamour and fashion portraits and our recent images of Steph are still under wraps... But nobody said I could not use some older pics of her on the blog.
We can't just have nature, landscape and travel type pics here can we now! For the record this was a really simple studio shoot. One large lightbox camera left almost touching model, gold reflector just below models chest and just out of shot and one hair light which is doing absolutely nothing, because I'm in too close yet again. For those of you with eagle eyes the second catch light is from a large and bright window in the studio.

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