Wednesday 12 November 2008

What price for a photo?

An age old question faced by photographers every day of their working life. but I have to feel for a photographer friend who was recently approach by a junior member of a small publications editorial staff, wanting to use one of his pictures in the publication. After asking the usual questions, about magazines circulation, image placement and size etc. He quoted what he felt was a very reasonable price. Imagine the look on his face when he was told. "We never pay photographers for pictures, most times they pay us, so that the can advertise the fact that they've been published".
Wow there's a business concept I hadn't thought of. Imagine the amount of extra work I could get if I paid clients for the privilege of shooting them.

But I guess it's not that new, I'm hearing that wedding photographers in some parts are advertising that they'll shoot your wedding absolutely free... just to get experience. I saw a post on a bridal forum the other day advising brides to go to their local school and ask one of the photography students to photograph their wedding. Much cheaper than paying for photos taken by a professional, and in the words of this writer " more likely than not the photos will be better too".

I'm pretty sure that holding your reception at Macca's would save heaps of money as well. The only difference is at the little Scottish restaurant you'll get a half decent feed, I'm not sure about your photos though.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Canola crop in flower

The other day while returning from shooting in the Grampians the outback photography team drove past a few crops of Canola in flower. What a great sight, just wanted to get up and do some aerials of it, but alas no time for that, maybe next year. Most of the cereal crops we past on our journey were to say the least struggling with the continued dry weather. Today has, however, brought some rain over almost all of Victoria, with some good falls recorded. Much to late for many farmers, but welcome all the same.

Saturday 1 November 2008

Bush flies and beautiful brides

Canon 1Ds II with 16-35mm USM

The outback photographer was in the Australian Inland Botanic Gardens near mildura yesterday for the wedding of Tate and Jonathan. We had a fantastic day shooting with a great group. I'm really happy with the wedding images we created during the afternoon, but have to say there will need to b a fair bit of post production on this lot of images due to the arrival of a large number of really friendly "Bush Flies". Boy were they a blood nuisance, crawling all over our subjects and getting in front of the lens when I was shooting wide angle back lit photos. Like little diamonds in the sky in hundreds of our shots. Each and every one of the little buggers will have to be retouched out.
Anyway this shot was created at days end, we had just finished shooting Tate and Jono in the back of their bridal car, when I notice the boys all nicely arranged in their ride. All I had to co sas walk around behind them, and yell out loudly... the rest as they say is history...
Anyway the shot above was capture at days end