Tuesday 13 July 2010

Is it just me?

I was lighting the fire in our studio this morning and picked up and old newspaper. Started reading as I tend to do... Read a piece on a guy taking his ex boss ( they both worked for the same company, she was his superior) to court because she let him have sex with her. Apparently when he made advances to her... note he made advances... he is claiming that she should have said NO.

Instead they had an affair that lasted for several months until she finally said enough is enough.
The guy wants compensation for the stress and suffering he under went while he was shagging her. Apparently this dude believes that it is all her fault for letting him screw her.

The woman concerned has since lost her job, however Randy as I'll call him is still employed but now wants to be compensated for his unfair treatment.

What is this world coming to? Sounds a bit like the barbaric act of stoning a woman to death for committing adultery and letting the fella go, only in this case the fella now thinks he deserves a pot of gold after the honey pot runs dry.

Back to more pleasant things. A gentle balloon flight across Australia's larges salt lake, Lake Eyre. More of these pics can be found at excitations stock archive.

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