Friday 26 October 2007

Blank sheet of paper syndrome

Yep, Its the old blank sheet of paper syndrome... what to post on your blog for the first time. Well lets face it it really can't be that hard can it, I mean millions of people do this every day and obviously they don't have a problem with coming up with ideas.

Ok so I can tell you that the outback is dry, really dry. We here in South Eastern Australia are well into a "Dry Spell" as the locals often refer to a drought. This particular drought has been building for around 11 years, which quite frankly is enough.
The media would like us to believe that the continuing lack of rain is a direct consequence of climate change. They may well be right about that, I doubt that anyone truly believes that man isn't having some pretty ordinary effects on the environment. However, in Outback Australia drought cycles are pretty common, and traditionally the intensity of these dry spells vary from a single season to many years in length. Looking on the bright side, "EVERY drought is followed by rain".

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