Sunday 28 October 2007

Bushmans cure...

Here is an old trick that I was reminded of just the other day.

Ever cut yourself shaving and the nick just keeps on bleeding? Try a little bit of spiders web. Just collect a bit of spiders web on your finger, roll it into a loose ball and place on the wound.
Seems to work really well. I've heard numerous reason why it works, none of which sounded to scientific, but its results that count.
I'd be a bit cautious that the owner of the web wasn't home, while I was collecting the web. And if your in Australia, and the web is very strong, I would seriously consider getting my finger out as quickly as possible. The Red Backed Spider spins a very strong web, and the female of the species has a bite that can be deadly to even the strongest human. How do you know which one is female? Well, basically if you see a Black spider with a bright red stripe on its abdomen then its a female Red Back. I guess the other method is to let it bite you... if you die it was a female.
As with all posts of this nature, I'm not a doctor nor a scientist, and I'm in no way qualified to give medical advice. I'm just passing on an old bush remedy.

Todays a no shooting day... yes the worst kind. Instead I face 12 hours in front of the old MacPro catching up on a whole lot of post production.

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