Friday 21 December 2007

How to make a small fortune from photography?

Canon 1Ds II 70-200 f2.8 is lens shot way after sun down

A chance meeting last night with fellow photographer Paul Dickeson was both brief and pleasant. I have for a long time admired Paul's art photography, and hope that one day the rest of the world will also recognize this mans gift. However I stray from the point. Paul reminded me of a something that I use to tell aspiring photographers.
I would ask them How do you make a small fortune from photography? After a bit of time considering that question and a few puzzled looks I would then tell them the secret...
"Start with a large fortune!"

The image posted above is one that I shot about twelve months ago, after finishing an ideas test shoot for a client, we had the model stand in the river, bathed in the last light of twilight and with the reflections of the coloured sky dancing in the water behind her shot a series of images just for the fun of it. We get to photograph lots of beautiful women, but rarely do I shoot pretty girls in bikinis. So I figured I'd post this one just because I can.

We're off to shoot the wedding of another photographer today, which we're looking forward to greatly. It's always an honour to be chosen by a couple to create their wedding images, but when the clients are also photographers its kinda special...

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