Wednesday 12 December 2007

Not enough hours in the day!

More to do each day and less time to do it in. The magic date, 25 December is fast approaching and the pressure will continue to grow.
Today started at 4:30am, checking equipment and loading the truck for a two day shoot in Swan Hill. It could be argued that I should have loaded up last night but when I finished up my last job at midnight, nothing was further from my mind. Before hitting the road for the two hour drive to Swan Hill, I had an aerial shoot to handle first. I'd booked the helicopter for 6:30am and by first light at 5am it was becoming apparent that suitable light was going to be a problem. Casting an eye towards light overcast building by the minute it was going to be touch and go as to whether we could justify taking off as scheduled or pulling the pin and going another day. One of the jobs we were shooting had a narrow window of opportunity so I finally made a decision to fly. Picking up my assistant for the job, Stephanie, and arriving at the airport right on time.
Pre-flight briefings out of the way, we took off to our first photography site, while the lighting gods came through and gave us some great light, buy the time we reached our second target things were strarting to look a little worse but Rob our pilot was able to manoeuvre the Jetranger quickly into position so we were able to get the required shots. Just to the east of our second target there is a large billabong of water, which I decided to get Rob to do a low level pass over just to see if there were any shots going to happen. I can't wait to see the results I think I got some nice shots here but unfortunately once back on the ground I had to reluctantly hand off the memory cards to Stephanie who was hading back to the studio while I continued on to Swan Hill. Its now 4:30pm and I've got a 2 hour break before I start on the final location shoot for the day and I can tell you I'm looking forward to a good nights sleep.
Talk to you tomorrow I hope..

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