Friday 12 June 2009

A novel idea

Received an email yesterday from a prospective model, suggesting a TFP shoot. Traditionally a TFP or TFCD shoot involved both model and photographer exchanging their time free of charge and both parties gaining new imagery for their respective portfolio's. Nothing new photographers and models have been exchanging time for years, sometimes beneficially to both, mostly one will loose out because of wildly differing levels of talent.
Yesterdays proposal was different however as our model intended to charge her full rate for a her services, while in return I was to supply her with a full set of fully retouched images for her use along with full copyright of all images. Maybe just maybe I would have gone with it if she was bringing something to the table.... such as lots of photographic experience, a distinctive look or even a novel idea... but no, despite her claim to have worked with all best photographers in the world, her portfolio showed only crappy, happy snap photos obviously taken by raw beginners.

Reluctantly we politely declined her kind offer....

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