Wednesday 24 June 2009

Snake oil salemen.

While researching for a stock shoot the other day, I came across a website announcing an upcoming book by the sites owner. There was lot of hype about the books value to anyone wanting to become a real professional photographer. How buying the book would tell you the secrets of making huge amounts of money from this exciting new career. It would show you how to become a full time professional in a matter of weeks. We're not talking taking snaps at some wedding but flying the world to all the most exotic locations, living the high life and being paid copious amounts of money for you new found skills.

Sound good doesn't it! The funny part is though, I'd just read an article in a very respected international photography magazine by this very same person, bemoaning the fact that photography as we know it is over.... According to the author there are very very few big jobs around and they seem to be shrinking daily. Accelerated he believed by the current economic downturn. I guess the only logical thing for a photographer who can't find work is to write a book on how to make a fortune from photography. Sadly, this book will be snapped up by thousands of would be wanna be's, all hoping to share in an almost no existent dream. I think I'll just keep on doing lowly wedding snaps and pictures of people and not get involved in real photography.

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