Monday 4 February 2008

Mattman and Mark

Both images Canon 1ds II with 70-200mm IS f2.8 in studio two soft boxes.

Today the outback photographer had the pleasure of photographing two of Mildura's leading personalities when local radio stars "The Matt Man" and Mark Alves ventured into the Excitations studio for a quick promotional portrait. Suffice to say a good time was had by all as the pair entertained us as we shot. The session was quick and simple, shooting against a grey background with one soft box as the main light and a smaller box used as a kicker from beside the background.
Session over and the files did a quick trip through Lightroom for some hue, contrast and saturation adjustments before heading off to have a bit of guassian blur and film grain added in Photoshop and that was it job done and dusted. Now if only I could finish off this house interior that I'm working on that easily...
Those of you living in Northern Victoria, can catch "The Matt Man" and Mark, Monday through Friday for the Breakfast show on 3MA Mildura and 99.5 Star FM. I understand we'll be catching up with Matt and Mark again on Valentines day for some fun and frivolity in the Mildura Mall. Love to see you there, between 6am and 10am, till then live love and enjoy life.

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