Saturday, 5 April 2008

A great day for a wedding...

Canon 1D IIn, 16-35mm f2.8 @16mm

Some days are just the best. Today the Excitations crew shot a wedding in and around Mildura. Joanne and Trent, a great couple, had just the best day for their wedding. After a week of very average weather and loads of dust. And I've gotta really emphasize LOADS of dust, it took Robyn a full day to get all the dust and sand out of our studio before we could start working in there again. I digress however, back to todays wedding. After a beautiful service in the majestic Grand Hotel gardens we headed to Lock Island Mildura for some extra photos.

I should point out that the bridal group traveled to our location in a beautiful White Limousine, driven by the one and only Vince Lammatina, a true Party Professional if ever there was one. While the outback photographers were rockin and rollin along in the trusty and I might add dusty, Troopy. A new set of shockers and a set of bushes in the undercarriage next week should fix that though.

Once on location we shot our little hearts out, lots of time, very relaxed and co-operative bridal party and some great light makes for a really excellent days shooting. Can't wait for next weeks shooting list, because I've had a bit of a peek into the diary and there are some really fabulous jobs coming up and I just love photographing weddings during the Autumn.

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