Friday 9 November 2007

Family portraits

Canon 1Ds MkII with 24-70 lens @38mm, f4.5 @ 1/30th, ISO 500

We love it when we get the chance to go "bush" for a shoot, on this occasion our good clients asked that we create a family portrait on location. And what a location! A large wheat and wool property with great photographic props and locations in almost every direction. One of my favorites being this shearing shed.
The portrait was created using nothing but available light. Late afternoon sun streaming through the window and bouncing around the interior of the the building created this amazing golden glow. The family were totally at home in the environment, so we chose a very simple pose, much as if we had just walked into the room and snapped a picture. We also resisted the temptation to improve the image with retouching, preferring instead to go for the completely honest approach, and recording exactly what was there at the time.

Today being Saturday we would normally be shooting a wedding, but instead today we have a number of portrait sessions. The last of which I'm really looking forward to, as we are again going on location for a family portrait. This time the location is to be a luxury home and we will be shooting exterior portraits just after sun set. Can't wait, I know the light is going to be incredible...

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