Canon 1Ds II, 24-70mm lens
The drying lake bed of Lake Boga near Swan Hill, Victoria, is a very popular water ski-ing and holiday destination but this boating and swimming sign give us an indication that there may not be much in the way of water sports at the popular lake this year.
A day of inspiration
A day of inspiration
Shooting for a corporate client, my first location yesterday was a large and successful cereal grain growing farm, where despite the currently drought conditions the farmer is achieving very impressive yields from his crops using newly developed farming techniques.
Then it was another hours drive to an irrigated property which has little or no irrigation water available to it this year. The farmer has responded by taking advantage of this unique opportunity to redevelop a large area of his property, because normally the ground is to wet to allow major earth works to be undertaken. So while there is no production on his property this year, there is major redevelopment being undertaken so that when conditions finally improve he will be able to take full advantage of the new technologies that his is putting in place.
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