Wednesday 21 November 2007


Ok so we're still full on mostly doing post production and trying to meet upcoming deadlines so again not much time to post this week. I was supposed to be shooting early this morning but welcome rain yesterday and heavy overcast this morning means it'll be another day behind the computer.

For those or you who have an interest in photography the Strobist Blog have a great little movie posted on their site. Link Here. It features an American photographer, Chase Jarvis who shoots lifestyle and advertising images, well worth a look. In fact if your not a photographer it will still make for some good viewing, runs for about 55 minutes so be sure to organize some snacks before you start.

On a completely different note. I spoke with one of our clients this week, he is a marketer who sells copious amounts of product over the internet. He often spends far more money than I would expect on product photos for his web site. He tells me that he measures everything to do with his business, including the number of hits each product gets, how long the average surfer stays in a product area and percentages of purchases for each product. The really interesting thing is that he reckons that a good product picture attracts about four times the number of click-throughs than a similar product with a straight average product photo, and that the length of time spent looking at the product is nearly doubled as are the number of purchases.
So I guess it proves once again that good pictures are worth the investment, or at least making your product stand out from the crowd is.

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