Friday 23 November 2007

Noisy neighbours

Nikon D2x, 80-200mm 2.8 lens

These two "Little Corellas" along with about 100 of their mates have been keeping me company for the best part of an hour. Feeding on an acacia tree just outside my office window, sliding down the corrugated iron roof of the studio and generally making sure that I don't feel lonely. Common throughout outback Australia, Little Corellas are a very social bird, rarely traveling alone. They eat,drink and sleep together and I should mention play together in small to large flocks.
There ability to remain quite for any period of time is non existent, with the mob consistently screeching in a harsh, sometime irritating manner. Try sleeping in the bush anywhere near where these guys camp and you'll soon know what I mean, even in the dead of night they need to squawk and chatter amongst themselves.
Anyway it good to have them around as we prepare for a full days shooting and a generally big weekend, having already shot a couple of small commercial jobs this morning, starting at 6am, back in the office by 8:30 to down load an process files, then short out the gear before heading off to a wedding followed by a family portrait session, and then back to the wedding reception until midnight.

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